Add a class to HTML element in Javascript

Javascript HTML

First of all, this is the code that adds a class to the HTML element has a specified selector in Javascript.
Please use this by copy-pasteing.

// get HTML element has the specified selector
var element_id = document.querySelector('#id_for_addclass'); 
// add class to the acquired element

Below are the results and a detailed explanation.

Get HTML element with specified id, and add class

This code adds a class to the element with the specified selector.

<div id="id_for_addclass">
// get HTML element has the specified selector
var element_id = document.querySelector('#id_for_addclass'); 
// add class to the acquired element

Execution result

The above code added the class named “added_class” to the specified html element.

<!-- execution result -->
<div id="id_for_addclass" class="added_class">

Reference document

This is the relevant MDN documentation that was used as reference in writing this article.
Please also see here.

Element.classList – Web API | MDN

DOMTokenList.add() – Web API | MDN


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